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Beaune - Vigne de l'Enfant Jesus 1989 Bouchard P&F

Acquired in auction Jan-96 for $50 (imported from Chicago for $66 net).
This famous monopole sub-plot of the Greves 1er Cru vineyard in Beaune belongs to old Bouchard domain. Together with Drouhin's Clos des Mouches and Jadot's Clos des Ursules, this wine is among the best produced by the big Beaune negociants.
In the past I have been disappointed with Bouchard wines more often than not. I bought this wine however based on warm recommendation of Steven Spurier, with whom I usually find myself well calibrated.
Tonight for Friday dinner that consisted of eggplant soup, Beef Stroganoff, cheese and ice-cream.
COLOR: Good full brick red. Not brilliantly clear (a good sign to me!), but looks healthy and promising.
NOSE: Exciting aroma. Tons of red forest fruit surrounded by a most beautiful and delicate 'Bourgogne Nose'. Perhaps not as seductive as a fully mature Grand Cru, but its youthful vigor give the sensation of a very elegant, profound and stylish wine.
TASTE: As good as the nose. Extremely tasty. Plenty of fruit with a good dose of acidity and discernible tannins. The most full-bodied Beaune wine I've ever tasted. Silky and smooth, full of flavors. Maybe not the most complex of wines, but who said every wine must be 'complex'?...
LENGTH: Very good and long aftertaste, where the ticklish effect caused by the fruit and acidity compensate for the strong tannins.
TEXTURE & BALANCE: Although only 12.5% alcohol, this wine almost feels like a full bodied monster. Fruit, acidity and tannins all abundant and in perfect harmony and balance.
OVERALL: Superb! The best Cote de Beaune wine I ever had. Perfectly drinkable now but will last and develop for many more years. If Bouchard is capable of producing such a good wine, why doesn't he do that more often?...
MARK: 18+/20.aaaaaaaaBUY MORE? Yes.

Reach Me? yak@yakshaya.com

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Jacob "Yak" Shaya.